Hey guys I have found a way of sending SMS from your mobile and its for absolutely free. This is for NTC costumer in Nepal. You guys need to follow these steps to send message free to your frends...
step 1:
Send SMS from your mobile with following text " Reg nickname
In place of nickname
step 2:
After sending above message to 6000, you will receive SMS saying you are successfully registered with the given nickname. Now you can send unlimited SMS to anyone who is also registered there. So to send SMS to your friends, your friend need to be registered there with the same process as I have prescribed above.
step 3:
Now to send SMS to your registered friend. You need to write the following message and send it to 6000.
" To nickname_of_friend your_message
And enjoy it man....
Send SMS from your mobile... yeah from your own mobile and thats for FREE
Posted by 0v3rr!d3 | 5:44 AM | Tips Tricks | 6 comments »How do I use custom domain name on my blog?
Posted by 0v3rr!d3 | 8:22 AM | Blog Tips, Tips Tricks | 1 comments »
Choose and Register Your Domain
The first thing you'll need to do is to choose a domain name, like example.com
and register it.
Update the DNS Settings
DNS stands for Domain Name System, and a DNS server determines what site a given address takes you to. So far, you have a domain name but none of the servers on the internet know what to do with it yet. To take care of this, you need to do two things:- Create a CNAME record for your blog's address, which should be a subdomain of the form
- To create a CNAME record for your domain with the DNS, associating your domain with
. The exact procedure for doing this varies depending on your domain registrar, but you can find instructions for many common registrars here. If yours isn't listed, or if you run into other difficulties, you can contact your registrar directly and they'll be able to help you out.- Create 'A' NAME records for your naked domain (
- Creating A records for your naked domain is important as it allows Google to redirect people who use in your naked domain name (
) to your blog page (www.example.com
). If you do not do this, visitors who leave off the www
will see an error page.- There are four separate A records you will create, and can be done from the same control panel you accessed your CNAME records. Simply point your naked domain (
, without the 'www') to each of the following IP addresses:Update Your Blogger Settings
Almost done! At this point, you have a domain name, and the DNS servers know to direct people to Google when they want to see your blog. But Google hosts lots of blogs, so we have to make sure the right one is associated with this domain. You'll do this on the Settings | Publishing tab for your blog in Blogger.

On the process of digging the web, I came to stumbleupon one cool site to flip your text upside down. And thats why I am sharing this site with you. Just enter the text and in real time the site will flip your text and you can copy paste anywhere you like. Specially it will be fun to share with your friends in twitter or facebook status.
Here is the site filp it Enjoy it ;)
Find the Fastest DNS(Domain Name Server) Near to Your Computer
Posted by 0v3rr!d3 | 8:20 PM | DNS, Internet, Technology, Web | 0 comments »
Lot of users may get confused with Internet giant, Google claiming Google DNS Server offers much improved speed for internet. Lot of people fall into a dilemma whether to shift to Google DNS or use the Default DNS provided by their ISP.
Good news is that along with Google Public DNS resolver, Google also released a tool named Namebench, open DNS benchmark utility which hunts for fastest DNS servers for your computer and also shows recommended fastest and nearest DNS Severs available to your computer.
The problem with changing your DNS server provided by ISP can be unexpected. Some websites may not load properly , its good to always revert back to default DNS service provider when that happens. It is true that you are connected openly to the Internet, you have to secure your computer by using anti-virus software . OpenDNS is one DNS service that filters malicious websites.
Namebench is free tool searches for fastest DNS servers available to your computer using your browser history ,tcpdump output or using standardized datasets. If your ran Namebench, after various tests it shows recommended configuration including Primary DNS server, Secondary and Territory DNS server which is best for your computer.
By default number of tests to ran in namebench set to 200 which may take a lot of time, so minimize the number of tests 50 or to your desired count . Namebench checks your connection quality and searches for all available global DNS servers including OpenDNS, UltraDNS and also searches for best regional DNS servers available for your computer. After benchmarking servers, it shows best DNS server and the detailed report in browser with fastest and nearest configuration to your computer.
For different ISPS, results may vary, ran namebench in your computer and decide which to use for optimal internet performance .
Adding twitter to google wave account
Posted by 0v3rr!d3 | 6:42 AM | Google Wave, Tweety, Twitbot | 0 comments »
Running DOS Application in Ubuntu using DOSBox
Posted by 0v3rr!d3 | 7:26 AM | Tips Tricks, Ubuntu | 0 comments »DOSBOX RUN DOS APPLICATIONS AND GAMES IN UBUNTU LINUX
The Fundamental Operating System DOS is still alive. For basic study purpose, DOS is Used in most of the Universities. Now Also people like DOS games. The Famous C language Compilers are woking only is DOS. You can Make a virtual DOS environment Linux.
sudo apt-get install dosbox
(Your can use Synaptic Package Manager and search for dosbox)
After Installation you can make a folder xxxxx in your home directory
(eg: $mkdir mydos)
copy your favorite dos programs and games like Turboc, dave, digger etc in this directory
Now you can run dosbox by typing dosbox in a terminal or
by select it from menu
You will get a small dos window with Z:\> prompt
in Z prompt type the following
Z:\>mount c /home/xxx/mydos
This command for mounting your dos directory to C Drive
(in my case my dos files are in /home/bu/mydos )
Now You are ready for running your dos programms
Z:\> c: ( change drive to c:)
Z:\>dir (this will list your dos files placed in /home/shibu/mydos)
if ther is our old famous digger game
Z:\>digger and Enjoy it.
Tricks on Notepad [the batch trick]
Posted by 0v3rr!d3 | 7:52 AM | Tips Tricks, XP Tips | 0 comments »
1)How To Make Matrix With NotePad
Open notepad and type in
@echo off
color 2
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start